Conference calling companies

This a blog for share knowledge about phone technology

Monday, April 20, 2009


Clinching Deals With The Right Teleconferencing Service
Imagine that for the past year you have been negotiating a huge deal with an overseas firm. On the day the deal will be finalized, your company’s big brass troops to the conference room. You are tickled pink that the deal will be completed using the teleconferencing service provider you just chose for the company. What’s more, you saved a few bucks by picking a brand new start-up company!

With everything and everyone posed to close the deal, what could possibly go wrong? The answer is everything! The teleconferencing monitor at the front of the room short circuits. It is engulfed in a cloud of smoke. The executives run out of the room in alarm. The next day, they call the deal off. You lose what could have been the biggest coup of your career, and all because you didn’t carefully choose your company’s teleconferencing service provider.

